Goal 7

Strong Alumni Engagement

Involve alumni in the crafting and design of university program and projects, university promotion, and fund sourcing

Institutionalize an endowment fund for alumni

Recognize outstanding alumni in various fields

VSU alumni are college graduates of BNAS, VAC, ViSCA, and VSU as well as secondary school graduates of ERHS, VLHS, and VSULHS, all organized into the VSU Alumni Association. Students who did not finish their college education at VSU will be considered associate members if they desire to apply as such.

We will enhance our efforts to tap our proficient and enthusiastic VSU alumni as a significant resource in support of VSU’s aspiration to become globally competitive in science, technology, and environmental conservation. A large number of alumni hold diverse positions in the country and abroad. They can apparently offer propelling support to the university if meaningful engagements with them are developed, enhanced, and nurtured.

Key Areas

  • Organizational strengthening
  • Academic partnership
  • Resource generation
  • Awards and promotion
  • Monitoring

Organizational Strengthening

A strong alumni association is a prerequisite to a sustainable and successful partnership with the university as the latter gears toward world class education and scientific leadership while performing its governance and social responsibility roles. VSU will create opportunities to strengthen the alumni association as a sustainability mechanism for forged partnerships.


  • Create ways for in-campus alumni to forge closer relationship within the VSU Alumni Association.
  • Bridge local and international alumni to the university.
  • Formally organize alumni chapters.


  • Number of social gathering conducted for VSU-based alumni
  • Number of colleges hosting social gatherings
  • Number of alumni projects conducted by in-campus alumni
  • Percentage of in-campus alumni participating in alumni activities
  • Number of orientation programs for newly hired alumni at VSU
  • Number of suggestions generated from alumni and addressed by the VSUAA Board of Directors
  • Alumni webpage regularly updated
  • Number of alumni reconnecting through the Alumni webpage
  • Number of alumni chapters visited by VSUAA BOD

Academic Partnership

A wholesome relationship will firm up alumni’s commitment to help VSU as it strives to provide world-class education and effective research and extension.


  • Establish collaboration with alumni for curriculum development and updating.
  • Involve alumni for capability building for VSU faculty, staff, and students.
  • Establish linkage with alumni in local and international establishments for on-the-job training and student graduate internship.
  • Involve alumni in crafting RDE agenda and priorities of the university.


  • Alumni webpage managed and updated regularly
  • Technical personnel for alumni matters hired or appointed
  • Alumni database updated annually
  • Number of alumni tracer studies conducted by the colleges
  • Number of alumni occupying key positions in private and public institutions/ establishments identified
  • Number of alumni identified in different sectors (academic institutions, industry, NGOs, and government agencies)
  • Number of alumni contributing inputs for curricular program enhancement
  • Number of curricular programs updated with inputs from alumni
  • Number of alumni serving as visiting professors, researchers, and resource persons in trainings, seminars, and conferences
  • Number of MOA/MOU forged with local and international research universities for faculty and student exchange and for mentorship of faculty members through alumni
  • Number of faculty members and students sent for academic exchange program through alumni
  • Number of alumni providing access to establishments for OJT and internship of students
  • Number of students sent for OJT or internship through alumni
  • Number of faculty members mentored by alumni in other establishments and institutions
  • Number of alumni participating in planning workshops and inhouse review sessions
  • Number of planning workshops and inhouse review sessions involving alumni

Resource Generation

Many alumni have the willingness to share their resources either individually or collectively to help VSU become the university it desires to be. VSU will organize resource generation activities with the alumni’s involvement.


  • Involve the VSU Alumni Association in the university’s promotion and fund sourcing projects.
  • Source funds for VSU Alumni Association scholars.
  • Design and implement the Alumni Endowment Fund project to support alumni and university projects.


  • Number of newsletters promoting Alumni projets published in Alumni webpage
  • Number of projects supported by alumni
  • Number of alumni supporting projects
  • Number of students enjoying alumni scholarship
  • Number of fund raising activities conducted
  • Endowment Fund project designed and implemented
  • Number of MOAs/MOUs forged with individual alumni and alumni chapters for the Endowment Fund project

Awards and Promotion

While a large number of alumni have attained outstanding success in their respective fields of endeavor, not many are recognized by the university and other alumni. Honoring these notable alumni will stimulate pride and loyalty among other alumni as well as students of VSU. It will also promote the university as an institution of excellence in education, research, and extension.


  • Recognize and award notable alumni at convocation programs.
  • Recognize Golden Jubilarians during convocation programs.


  • Number of alumni awarded for their outstanding contributions to the university
  • Number of Jubilarians attending VSU Anniversary convocation programs


Awareness of relevant events involving geographically dispersed alumni and alumni chapters enhances the partnerships among VSU, alumni, and other stakeholders. Participatory monitoring will be employed as a mechanism to gather up-to-date and relevant information on alumni and alumni affairs in the different parts of the country and abroad.


  • Collect regular reports from alumni chapter communicators.
  • Publish significant reports in Alumni website.


  • Number of reports submitted by alumni chapter communicators
  • Number of reports published in the Alumni website