Goal 3

Empowered Communities

Enhance extension administration

Forge enduring partnerships among stakeholders

Promote inclusive community participation in the development process

Enhance communities’ capacity for self-governance for sustainable development

Nurture sustainable entrepreneurship

Enhance environmental integrity and resiliency

The instruction and research programs of VSU contribute to societal progress, but it is through its extension programs that the university brings about direct and immediate effect on society. In the next 10 years, VSU will strengthen its community engagement for community empowerment. Empowered communities capable to effectively manage the present and confidently master the future are the key to true development. Empowered communities are potent development partners of VSU. Empowered communities will be the distinctive footprints as it journeys forward. Community empowerment, therefore, is both a goal and integral part of VSU’s institutional culture.

Enhanced capacities of faculty, staff and students to engage in extension

Extension programs offer rich learning opportunities for development professionals. Thus, VSU will support its faculty, staff, and students’ community engagement to broaden their expertise.


  • Enhance extension administration.
  • Increase allocation for extension.
  • Capacitate faculty, staff and students in extension.
  • Provide incentive to faculty, staff and students engaged in extension.
  • Produce publications from extension programs
  • Enhance monitoring and evaluation system


  • Number of personnel assigned in extension support activities
  • Number of meetings of REAC and commodity team
  • Percentage increase of budgetary allocation for extension
  • Number of faculty, staff and students trained in extension
  • Number of faculty, staff and students awarded
  • Nature and value of awards for extension
  • Percentage increase in workload points for extension
  • Number of extension publications produced and copyrighted
  • Number of papers presented in professional and scientific fora
  • Number of instructional materials utilizing extension outputs used in instruction, research and policy
  • RDE MIS installed
  • Number of projects monitored and evaluated
  • Number of impact studies conducted
  • Percentage of extension projects evaluated with a rating of Good or Better

Community empowerment

VSU’s extension endeavor will be designed to increase productivity and profitability, to improve community welfare, to increase citizen engagement and to enhance environmental integrity and resiliency.


  • Forge enduring partnerships among stakeholders
  • Promote inclusive community participation in the development process
  • Enhance communities’ capacity for self-governance for sustainable development
  • Nurture sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Promote well-being and improve quality of life of the marginalized sectors
  • Enhance environmental integrity and resiliency
  • Strengthen non-formal education programs
  • Offer more NFE courses


  • Number of partnerships established/sustained (MOA/MOU/LOA)
  • Value of resources generated
  • Number of stakeholders participating in development programs and project
  • Number of sectors represented
  • Number of project beneficiaries disaggregated by sex
  • Number of beneficiaries trained disaggregated by sex
  • Number of communities organized and capacitated
  • Number of organizations registered/ accredited with DOLE, SEC, LDC and other accrediting bodies
  • Number of barangays/ organizations with complete records such as minutes, resolutions, etc.
  • Number of barangays/ organizations with development plans and approved project proposals
  • Number and value of projects implemented
  • Number of entrepreneurs engaged in sustainable enterprises
  • Number of entrepreneurs utilizing VSU S and T products
  • Percent increase in income of entrepreneurs
  • Percentage decrease in prevalence rate of malnutrition
  • Percentage decrease of morbidity rate
  • Percentage decrease of mortality rate
  • Percentage increase in literacy level
  • Number of adopters of sustainable agriculture and NRM
  • Area of land, water and forests protected
  • Number of students enrolled in the NFE programs
  • Number of NFE enrollees whose skills have enhanced
  • Number of NFE graduates employed
  • Increase in the number of NCII, and NCIII-accredited instructors