Goal 4

Sustainable Resource Generation

Promote and formalize the university as an eco-tourism destination and as a venue for conferences and special events

Commercialize VSU’s intellectual property assets

Pursue joint ventures with public and private entities for income generating activities

he university is endowed with vast natural resources and pool of experts vital for creating income generating projects that will help augment the resources provided by government. The challenge is to strike a balance between continuing the pursuit of excellence while maintaining environmental conditions that will support present and future generations. By evaluating feasible options available for the university and taking advantage of its dark green campus, the university can serve as a model in sustainable resource generation.

Key Areas

  • Promoting and formalizing the university as a tourism destination and as a venue for conferences and special event
  • Commercializing VSU’s intellectual property assets
  • Pursuing joint ventures with public and private entities for income generating activities
  • Policing existing and future business concessionaires
  • Professionalizing financial management of income generating activities

Promoting and formalizing the university as a tourism destination and as a venue for conferences and special event


  • Identify tourism products
  • Develop events packages
  • Identify personnel for tourism activities
  • Develop appropriate infrastructure and facilities
  • Establish mechanism to ensure availability of quality foods and services


  • Number of accredited tour packages and activities developed
  • Number of events packages developed
  • Peso value of tour packages / activities and events developed
  • Number of trained and certified personnel
  • Number of infrastructure constructed / improved
  • Number of facilities and infrastructures accredited by Department of Tourism
  • Diversified food / menu available
  • Number of trained and certified food handlers

Commercializing VSU’s intellectual property (IP) assets


  • Identify commercializable intellectual property assets
  • Collaborate or business contracting with IP owners
  • Commercialize IP assets (production and marketing)


  • Number of commericializable intellectual property assets
  • Number of customers identified
  • Number of contracts signed
  • Peso value of contracts
  • Income from commercialized IP assets

Pursuing joint ventures with public and private entities for income generating activities


  • Identify public/private entities for income generating activities (IGA)
  • Identify business enterprises


  • Number of public / private entities of IGA
  • of business contracts signed
  • Number of business enterprises established
  • Peso value of contracts

Policing existing and future business concessionaires


  • Diligent implementation of policies for compliance


  • Number of compliant concessionaires vis-à-vis physical, material, safety and sanitation standards

Professionalizing financial management of income generating activities


  • Improve transaction journals, data processing and analytics (standard business financial reporting)
  • Monitor and evaluate financial administration


  • Number of streamlined books of accounts and financial statements
  • Number of audit and feedback reports
  • Number of trained personnel