Goal 5

Client-Centered Governance

Establish a management information support system office for systematic data filing and centralized data retrieval

Prioritize collegiality through intra- and inter-office communication and collaboration

Strengthen the International Affairs Office as gateway for engagement with foreign entities

More exciting opportunities in exchange of information in science and technology come in positioning VSU in the arena of ASEAN integration. We embrace the responsibility as a research university to build up experts engaged in effectively serving our clients – parents, students, farmers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and technologists by making our science and technological products more accessible.

Quality Frontline Services

VSU will enhance the creative and dynamic administrative support staff to embrace the philosophy and principles of civil service through continuous capability development and consciousness of the ethics in government service. The success of the university will be better when the professional administrative staff achieves high standard in their performance.


  • Recruitment and retention of high quality administrative staff
  • Massive capability building for young qualified staff
  • Systematic mentoring of younger staff with potential
  • Enhanced and calendared in-house trainings
  • Improved health and safety benefits and rewards system
  • Enhanced feedback mechanisms


  • Number of orientations on VSU policies, CSC and DBM rules and regulations
  • Number of skills trainings conducted
  • Number of seminar workshops conducted/facilitated
  • Provident fund established and operational
  • Employees covered with group health insurance
  • High risked employees covered with hazard pay or group life accident insurance
  • Number of additional medical personnel of VSU hospital and external campuses
  • Number of university awardees given cash incentive
  • Number of monthly report on analysis of feedbacks received.
  • New feedback mechanism introduced

Responsive management information system


  • Purchase and design of MIS Software
  • Hiring and retention of qualified and competent IT personnel
  • Training of the end users of the new system
  • Dry run and full implementation of the system


  • New software designed and installed
  • Competent IT personnel hired, retained and retrained
  • Number of users of the system trained
  • All users actively using/updating his/her account
  • Number of reports generated from the system

Functional international gateway services

VSU will continue to engage in efforts with international nature such as advertising and recruitment of foreign students and research projects, faculty, staff and student exchange programs.


  • Securing official approval of the creation of the International Office with staffing requirement
  • Provision of resources in terms of budget, facilities, and personnel to the International Office
  • Continuous updating of the VSU web page
  • Linking the International Office to the MIS
  • Benchmarking activities of the International Office staff in big universities preferably in Europe
  • Strengthening the VSU Manila and Cebu as liaison office
  • Scouting for new universities and org. for possible international linkages and collaboration


  • Fully operational international office with sufficient Number of qualified staff, equipment, fast internet connection and budget for operation
  • Updated VSU web page
  • MIS has an International office portal
  • Number of benchmarking activities
  • Number of visitors coming from international office of foreign universities
  • Fast WiFi connectivity installed in Manila and Cebu offices
  • Number of seminars attended by VSU Manila and Cebu staff
  • Increased budget and additional personnel for two offices based on actual need (new buildings)
  • Number of new international linkages forged
  • Number of new mobilities facilitated

Quality assurance compliance support services

VSU will continually raise its academic and professional performance and standard through quality assurance evaluation.


  • Compliance of administrative units/offices to 5s
  • Manualization of various policies, processes, procedures and work instructions
  • Orientation of users of manuals
  • Conduct of internal assessment of existing process for accreditation
  • Compliance to deficiencies and introduction of new improvements
  • Submission to external audit and assessment
  • Compliance to external findings and sustain compliance to established standards in manuals and work instructions


  • Manuals prepared/revised, approved, printed and distributed
  • Number of orientation conducted
  • Number of participants attended
  • Number of internal audit and management review reports prepared and submitted
  • Number of deficiencies complied
  • Number of new improvements introduced
  • External accreditation passed (i.e. ISO, CHED ISA, AACCUP, PRIME HRM)
  • Correction of 100% of findings
  • Passing the surveillance audit

Proactive risk and disaster management


  • Establishment of a well-equipped and fully staffed Risk Reduction Management Office
  • Identification of possible risks, disasters and hazards in all campuses
  • Designing specific procedures to mitigate risks, reduce hazards and effects of disasters
  • Identification of possible areas for evacuation and dissemination of information on protocols in responding to disasters
  • Capacitating individuals, families, groups in response to incidence of disasters.


  • Number of needed positions created
  • Number of trained on-call responders
  • Procurement of rescue equipment and facilities
  • Mapping of risk areas and causes of risks, disasters and hazards
  • Manual for mitigation distributed and disseminated
  • Buildings identified as evacuation areas
  • Number of BLS trainings conducted
  • Number of other risk and disaster prevention and management trainings workshop conducted

Safe and peaceful environment


  • Improving security, peace and order protocols
  • Improving Security Services through upgraded equipment and quality of personnel
  • Collaborating with neighboring barangay and city peace and order personnel
  • Establishing parameter fences and guard posts in key areas


  • Security protocols already in place and disseminated to constituents
  • Each security personnel provided with working communications and other basic equipment
  • Number LGU units collaborated with
  • Strengthened collaboration with PNP, AFP, etc.
  • Repair of all damaged fences
  • Number of additional guard posts constructed and used