Goal 2

Globally Competitive S&T

Address issues of global importance such as climate change, renewable energy, poverty alleviation, gender and development, health, and peace.

Support cutting-edge technology that will yield competitive niches such as materials science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, spatial science and other emerging fields.

Institutionalize intellectual property protection and publications as key components of research among faculty, staff, and students

Strengthen mobility through faculty and student exchange programs

Research is the engine of innovation. Technologies and information generated by research improve the socio-economic status and build the resilience of vulnerable groups.

As a research university, VSU will continuously design and implement research responsive to the needs of its clientele including farmers, fisherfolks, businessmen, women and the industry. The focus will be on the development of technologies and processes that can improve productivity and capacities to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

Key Areas

  • Research Relevance
  • Partnerships
  • Knowledge Protection, Transfer and Commercialization
  • Capability Development
  • Communication of Research Results

Ensuring Research Relevance

Impacts of climate are now felt across the globe. VSU research will focus on developing technologies and knowledge to help people and communities mitigate and adapt to these impacts.


  • Gear research agenda towards issues of global importance such as climate change, renewable energy, poverty alleviation, gender and development, health and peace.
  • Support emerging science and technology that will yield competitive niches such as materials science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, spatial science.
  • Provide funds for competitive innovations that address the needs of the region and the country and will produce technology of global application and importance.


  • Number of participatory consultations on research agenda
  • Number of updated research priorities
  • Number of funded and implemented research projects
  • Number of research projects implemented on emerging S&T
  • Amount of university funds invested for research
  • Amount of funding generated externally


There is strength in collaboration. At VSU, we believe that we achieve more by working hand-in-hand with agencies, institutions and groups that share our vision of developing sustainable and resilient communities.


  • Establish linkage with research agencies or institutions.
  • Engage the community and other stakeholders in crafting RDE agenda and priorities of the university.
  • Establish a mechanism where industry can freely collaborate with researchers without compromising the interests of the university.


  • Number of MOAs signed
  • Number of joint research conducted
  • Number of consultations with key stakeholders conducted
  • BOR approved guidelines for private-public partnership (PPP)
  • Number of research projects implemented under PPP scheme

Strengthening Knowledge Protection, Transfer and Commercialization

We uphold the value and propriety of technologies and information churned out by conscientious research. VSU will strive to protect, transfer and commercialized the technologies, models and processes generated through research and encourage our researchers to embrace the culture of knowledge protection by providing incentives for filed patent and utility model applications.


  • Provide enabling environment for researchers to imbibe the culture of knowledge protection.
  • Provide better incentive system for faculty, staff and students with patents and utility model applications/registrations.
  • Institutionalize a mechanism for technology transfer and commercialization.


  • Number of IPR related trainings, seminars, workshops conducted
  • Number of technologies disclosed
  • Number of technologies and creative works with intellectual property protection (patents, utility models, copyright etc.)
  • Number of copyrighted publications
  • BOR approved IPR Incentive System
  • BOR approved Technology Transfer and Commercialization Guidelines
  • Number of technologies transferred and commercialized

Capability Development

We believe in building the capacity of our researchers. We will continue to develop the competence of our researchers on highly technical and specialized fields to enable us to respond to the emerging challenges and trends.


  • Send researchers/scientists for training and postdoctoral studies to institutions that have a culture for research and technology transfer.
  • Invite experts to do advance research.
  • Mentor junior researchers in developing research proposals, implementing research and publishing result.
  • Develop a program to enhance research capability (research academy).
  • Improve research facilities.
  • Establish state of the art facilities for emerging technologies.
  • Integrate graduate research into the University’s research program.
  • Provide research seed money for returning scholars.


  • Number of researchers and scientists for training and postdoctoral studies to institutions that have a culture for research and technology transfer
  • Number of VSU researchers awarded with post-doctoral fellowships in reputable institutions
  • Number of research projects conducted by experts together with VSU researchers
  • Number of research projects implemented by junior researchers
  • Number of research papers published by VSU researchers
  • Number of enrollees in the program
  • Number of upgraded laboratories and research facilities
  • Number of state of the art facilities for emerging technologies established
  • Number of completed graduate thesis integrated into the University’s research program
  • BOR approved guidelines on the provision of research seed money for returning scholars

Communication of Research Results

Research at VSU is geared towards contributing to the body of knowledge. Research papers published in reputable journals, books, and other publications serve as measure for research productivity of a university. We will make that our research results are shared to other scientists by encouraging faculty members and researchers to publish in internationally-indexed journals and publications by providing incentives and an enabling environment.


  • Provide enabling environment for researchers to publish internationally-indexed journals and publications.
  • Require faculty members to publish at least one paper in every two years.
  • Require doctoral students to publish at least one research paper before graduation.
  • Organizing research forums and symposia at the national and international levels.
  • Provide support for participation in research scientific forums and symposia.
  • Design and develop research-based knowledge products.


  • Number of research papers published in internationally-indexed journals and publications
  • Number of books, manuals, teaching guides, student workbooks and other instructional materials published
  • BOR approved policy requiring faculty/researchers to publish at least one paper in every two years
  • BOR approved policy requiring doctoral students to publish at least one paper before graduation
  • Number of dissertations published
  • Number of research forums and symposia organized at the national and international levels
  • Number of researchers provided support for participation in research scientific forums and symposia
  • Number of research-based knowledge products designed and published
  • Accreditation of the Annals of Tropical Research by reputable international accrediting bodies